English Tutor Toronto
Mature students (19+), ESL (English is the first language)
Reasons for tutoring
See Mature Students (19+, non- ESL) for some applicable reasons, but the ones below are relevant as well
Some mature students want English tutoring support for career reasons including but not limited to the following: help with interview preparation (speaking), help editing work related documents, help with speaking practice in the context of work, building writing skills to communicate with colleagues through e-mail, and others.
Some mature students want English tutoring support for personal reasons including but not limited to the following: self-improvement because they have family here, desire to improve one's English level since they are a resident of the country, help with government documents related to residency, and others. ​​
My approach to tutoring
See English tutoring for grades 1-12 (ESL) with one added note below.
Some clients are not interested in learning services but rather are seeking proofreading services for work documents and need help with writing (i.e. help finalizing government documents, help drafting a cover letter for work, proofreading work documents, etc). I do provide these services to clients.
Payment policy
Cancellation policy