English Tutor Toronto
English Tutoring, grades 1-12, ESL students
Reasons for tutoring
Same reasons for tutoring as English tutoring for grades 1-12 (non-ESL) and one more reason below.
A desire to explore and develop the English language and improve different skill sets beyond writing: reading comprehension, appreciation of literature & non-literature, vocabulary and grammar development, speaking and listening skills, and entertainment media comprehension and appreciation.
My approach to tutoring
The same as my approach to English tutoring for grades 1-12 (non-ESL) with one more approach below.
I provide ESL students with a customized lesson plan, which includes lots of different materials geared towards improvement of different language skills related to speaking, reading, listening, and writing. Such customization is often not the case with non-ESL students, who wish mainly to have help directly relating to their schoolwork. ​
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