The purpose of this post is to illustrate how to write a resume when you have irrelevant education and relevant work experience. I have attached a job post sample (fake company) and an example that I created specifically for that job. Below, I will explain which tips I used from which websites, and how I applied them to write my own resume. The links provided are a useful jump-off point for anyone who wants to learn how to write or improve their writing. These links often contains resume outlines, and offer lots of templates and examples that might be useful to a job candidate.
I need a resume written up for a position that I have no educational background for but relevant work experience. Is that even possible?
Resume Format: Headline
What do you write for a headline if you don't have the correct educational background? When you have the experience it is job title + years of experience + skill/specific task/impressive achievement.
Resume Format: Objective Statement
Instead of a summary statement; if you are new to the field and don't have experience, you should use 1) an objective statement or 2) nothing. Consider each option's strengths/weaknesses and how to write a resume in both situation
I don't know if that'd differ significantly from a "no experience, yes education" summary statement
I'm not sure whether to use an objective or summary statement in this case
Resume Format: Skills
Skills section may be the same for this resume type; not sure what to write here.
The skills section on my resume example:
Resume Format: Education
I don't know if there's anything substantively different about the education section for this resume
Here is my resume example's education section:
Resume Format: Work Experience
I don't think that the work experience section should be substantively different from "work experience and education relevance"
Resume Formatting
I don't think there's anything here that should be substantively different from a resume with no work expe
Resume Format: Feedback
I don't know what else to write here with regard to feedback
After completing the resume, I decided to test it against a resume planner ( Their resume format feedback tool is free and brought up a lot of interesting results. My resume had 14 issues with it:
failure to include the title of the job in my resume
I did not properly format the dates under the work experience section. As a result, jobscan didn't recognize them
the resume was missing multiple hard skill keywords in the body of the resume like "lesson plans" and "assist students"
I was missing multiple soft skills in the body of the resume like "committed and analytical skills"
These issues are why keyword phrases, formatting, and resume software are important considerations when writing a resume. This tool helped me revise my resume format and improve the final product.
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